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Backstage part 2 - Personalized Homepages with Backstage
Enhance website traffic with a customizable homepage. Backstage's home plugin facilitates easy creation of personalized homepages. Learn how to implement this p13n feature and develop dynamic widgets for improved user engagement.
Print PDFs using HTML+CSS
Printing PDFs can be done with multiple approaches. Lets check out a HTML+CSS pipeline approach how it compares to API and XSL-FO.
Tech-blog migrates to Next.js
A developer journey moving this tech-blog from Gatsby to Next.js. Depicting some challenges and our best practices.
Backstage part 1 - corporate design theme
Our developer portal backstage needs a visual integration with the corporate design.
Rollup Visualizer
With a plugin in rollup you can look inside to see which modules are taking up space.
UI5 input validation concept from top to bottom 2023
The validation concept depicts how you can handle errors in ui5. It defines best practises rules based on given the default UI5 concepts.
TechBlog - Client Side Search with LUNR
This article explains how the client side search for this blog was implemented using LUNR.
Unerasable Empty Development Packages on an SAP ERP System
In order to clean the repository tree we wanted to delete empty packages. The system couldn't delete them. It complained there were objects inside. Objects we couldn't see...
OCR with Tesseract and OpenCV
How Tesseract and OpenCV can be used to extract text from images.
iframes redefined - Angular & UI5 web apps as web components
The last evolutionary step in our approaches to integrate different web technologies in an existing web applications. In this approach we implement an adapter component using the W3C web components standard to make Angular and UI5 web applications usable in any existing web applications providing bidirectional communication capabilities between the hosted and nested application.
Strapi Headless CMS
In this article, I want to provide a short introduction into strapi, a headless content management system.
Routing in UI5/Angular hybrids
This blog post goes further and examines the interaction and side effects of the hosting Angular router and the embedded UI5 router.
UI5: drag and drop on the wild side
How to turn a planning calendar into an awesome drag and drop target.
An Angular/UI5 hybrid launchpad
We investigated the possibilities of integrating an existing (open)UI5 into an Angular web application and vice versa using a "launchpad" for the hosted application.
Quarkus and GraalVM
This article describes a test of the combination of Quarkus and GraalVM in tech-blogs.